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Nautical Puns are in.



Name: Aquaholic
Cutie Mark: Anchor and rope
Cutie Mark Meaning/talent: Aquaholic has always had a strong urge to be out on the ocean (or any other body of water for that matter). Her talent revolves around her ability to navigate across and around bodies of water without any difficult, but her always being grounded and home and returning no matter how long she's gone on her trips and whom she's met on them that she's become close to.

Base by: :iconmirry92: + wings added by me
Original art by :iconjoey-darkmeat:
Pony adopted from: :iconorigamizombie:
Image size
1600x1377px 230.5 KB
© 2013 - 2024 PineappleSwizzle
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OrigamiZombie's avatar
Looks awesome!!
I feel like the cutie mark and story fit her really well! :aww: